Well I have finally done a few things to up my crochet game one I started this blog! I know I know it hasn't moved in over a month, and I really haven't shown any of yas out there that I even got a blog going but TADA here it is!
I ALSO GOT A NEW CAMERA AND AND a New Laptop! I am moving up in this world of Crochet!
Now my goal is to get my very first pattern to be featured on here so that all of you my friends can easily go to it and use it and make your own daisys
Here on this blog I hope to share my crochet journey and fun stories along the way
So stay tuned as I figure out how to upload my daisy pattern and start sharing my crochet ideas and thoughts and just my love of crocheting since it is my passion! I would love for it to become a passion of yours as well !
Stay tuned friends